
Hiroshi sugimoto, Theaters

Les Theaters du photographe Hiroshi Sugimoto, où il laisse filer le temps pour ne laisser que des vestiges à venir !

Hiroshi sugimoto, Theaters

Hiroshi Sugimoto, une archéologie du future

Hiroshi Sugimoto : « I’m a habitual self-interlocutor. Around the time I started photographing at the Natural History Museum, one evening I had a near-hallucinatory vision. The question-and-answer session that led up to this vision went something like this: Suppose you shoot a whole movie in a single frame? And the answer: You get a shining screen. Immediately I sprang into action, experimenting toward realizing this vision. Dressed up as a tourist, I walked into a cheap cinema in the East Village with a large-format camera. As soon as the movie started, I fixed the shutter at a wide-open aperture, and two hours later when the movie finished, I clicked the shutter closed. That evening, I developed the film, and the vision exploded behind my eyes ».

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Hiroshi Sugimoto, Theaters